Free tattoo inquiry

I believe that tattoos offer powerful opportunities for healing, personal significance and self-expression. With that in mind, I offer one free flash tattoo per month to a Black or Indigenous client who could not otherwise afford a tattoo from me. As a white tattooer, I see this as one way I can give back to my community.

Please do not submit this form more than once. I keep all forms in an email folder and choose a recipient each month through the use of a random number generator. This offer is limited to flash designs only (1-2 hr or 2-3 hr appointments). Custom work is not a part of this offering.

Please do not use this form if you 1) do not identify as Black or Indigenous or 2) have ample financial resources to pay for a tattoo. I offer sliding scale appointments for others who may otherwise struggle to afford a tattoo from me.

Click here to submit your inquiry!